Umnyango Wabasebenzi

Siyakwamukela eHhovisi Lezabasebenzi

IHhovisi Lezabasebenzi lizibophezele ekusebenzeni umgomo we-Hudson County Community College (HCCC) ngokuhlinzeka ngobuholi nesiqondiso ekuthuthukisweni, ekusetshenzisweni nasekuphathweni kwezinqubomgomo, izinqubo, nezinhlelo Zabasebenzi. Sizinikezele ekusebenzeni ngamasu nomphakathi we-HCCC ohlukahlukene ekuhlonzeni nasekuphenduleni izidingo zawo eziguqukayo.
A classroom or computer lab setting where a student is working on a computer while being assisted by another individual. The student, dressed in a red hoodie, reviews materials from a book, while the assistant leans in, providing guidance. The environment highlights collaboration, mentorship, and academic engagement, emphasizing support for students in achieving their educational goals.

"Uma ufuna umqashi lapho imfundo, amathuba okuqeqeshwa, kanye nesimo sokuhlangana kuyizinto eziza kuqala kubo kungakuhle ukuthi ufake isicelo lapha e-Hudson County Community College." – UDorothea Graham-King, Umsizi Wokuphatha, Ucwaningo Lwesikhungo

A vibrant and engaging moment featuring a smiling individual in a bright yellow top, engaging in a conversation with another person. The background, with colorful signage, suggests an interactive and welcoming atmosphere. This scene reflects professional networking, collaboration, and a positive approach to interpersonal communication.

I-HCCC izibophezele ekuhlinzekeni abasebenzi bethu ngohlelo oluphelele lwezinzuzo olutholakala kothisha, abasebenzi kanye nalabo abathembele kubo.

Two individuals engage in a conversation during a professional development event at Hudson County Community College. The banner in the background highlights the focus on "Professional Development," setting the tone for a collaborative and educational gathering. One participant gestures while holding a cup, reflecting an active exchange of ideas in a friendly and professional atmosphere. This image embodies networking, learning, and community engagement.

Ihhovisi Lobungcweti Nokuthuthukiswa Kwabasebenzi ifuna ukukhuthaza amathuba okuthuthukiswa kochwepheshe asezingeni eliphezulu kuzo zonke izigaba ze-HCCC, iminyango, ubuhlakani nabasebenzi.

A display table featuring certificates, award boxes, and medallions set up for a recognition ceremony or event. The certificates bear the name of Hudson County Community College, emphasizing formal acknowledgment of achievements. The elegant arrangement conveys an atmosphere of celebration, excellence, and honor.

I-HCCC yazisa isisebenzi ngasinye. Sihlinzeka ngamathuba ahlukahlukene okuqashelwa kwabasebenzi, ukwazisa, ukugqama nokuxoxa izindaba.

A dynamic moment of a speaker presenting at a podium during a professional event. The individual, dressed formally with a confident demeanor, gestures expressively while speaking into the microphone. The backdrop of curtains and a laptop signifies a formal and engaging presentation, highlighting leadership and inspiration.

IHhovisi Lezinhlelo Zabasebenzi Nekhalenda Lemicimbi linikeza bonke abasebenzi amathuba okuthuthukiswa kochwepheshe, impilo enhle, ukuqashelwa, kanye nezinhlelo zokwazisa.

The Hudson County Community College Human Resources logo, featuring a teal background and an illustration of the Statue of Liberty holding a torch. The design reflects the institution's identity, professionalism, and its connection to the broader community, symbolizing enlightenment and support.

Hlangana nethimba lethu Lezabasebenzi!


Ulwazi lokuxhumana

Umnyango Wabasebenzi
70 Sip Avenue - 3rd Floor
I-Jersey City, NJ 07306
(201) 360-4070