Ubuciko e-HCCC

A vibrant photo featuring six musicians, including men and women, dressed in a mix of stylish and professional attire. They are posed together on a rooftop, with a cityscape in the background. Their expressions reflect creativity and enthusiasm, suggesting a shared passion for music or an upcoming performance.

Ihhovisi Lezindaba Zamasiko libungaza ukuhlukahluka unyaka wonke ngezinhlelo ezihlukahlukene zemfundo kuyo yonke isemester ngayinye. Izinhlelo ezedlule zifaka isethulo se-New Jersey Symphony Orchestra yomculo wakudala we-Bollywood, Ukuhlolwa Kwefilimu Yesifazane i-Indie, kanye nengxoxo noTamika Palmer, umama kaBreonna Taylor. Izinhlelo zisingathwa ngo-6th phansi kwe-Gabert Library, etholakala kalula ngaphesheya kwehabhu yezokuthutha ye-Journal Square. Zonke izinhlelo zimahhala futhi zivulekele umphakathi.

A solemn display of a rusted steel fragment from the Twin Towers, mounted on a pedestal engraved with "September 11, 2001." The backdrop showcases a blurred skyline, symbolizing remembrance and resilience in the face of tragedy.

I-Foundation Art Collection ikhonjiswa ngokugqamile ezindaweni zomphakathi kuyo yonke ikhempasi yase-Hudson. Ubuciko obungaphezu kwenkulungwane busebenza ngezindlela ezehlukene bukhombisa amaciko asekhaya nawamazwe ngamazwe. Ucezu ngalunye luhlanganiswe nombhalo wombukiso wokufundisa nokuqinisa izindonga namaphasishi e-Hudson County Community College.

A passionate speaker gestures while standing in front of a vivid and abstract art display. Her floral dress contrasts with the bold patterns of the artwork, suggesting an environment of cultural appreciation and discussion.

I-Literary Arts e-HCCC imelelwa kakhulu futhi iyakhuthazwa phakathi kwabafundi nobuhlakani ngokufanayo. Izincwadi zethu zomphakathi zifaka i-Crossroads (umfundi), i-Perennial (ubuhlakani), kanye nezinhlobonhlobo zezinkondlo kanye namaculo akhulunywayo abanjwa njalo ekolishi lonke.

A dedicated videographer operates professional camera equipment, wearing headphones to monitor audio quality. The polka-dot attire adds a touch of personality, while the surrounding audience indicates this is a live or documentary-style filming event.

Uhlelo luka-Hudson's Performing Arts luyachuma ngokwengezwe okusha kwe-HCCC's Black Box Theatre. Le midlalo yeshashalazi iyikilasi yokusingatha esezingeni eliphezulu futhi idlalela abalingisi abasafufusa baka-Hudson nababhali bemidlalo. Ifestiveli yetiyetha yokuphela kwesemester ibungaza ithalente lethu labafundi futhi ibonise umnyango njengendawo ekhethekile phakathi komphakathi wakwa-Hudson.

A candid moment captures two gallery visitors—one wearing a casual shirt and glasses, and the other donning a hijab—examining a complex sculptural piece. The thoughtful expressions on their faces reflect engagement and curiosity, underscoring the interactive experience of the art exhibit.

Uhlelo lwe-Visual Arts lwe-Hudson County Community College lungolunye oluqine kakhulu endaweni yaseNew Jersey olunabaculi abakhombisayo abahola izinhlelo ezahlukene zemfundo. Isemester ngayinye iphetha ngombukiso wabafundi ku-Benjamin J. Dineen III naku-Dennis C. Hull Gallery. Lo mbukiso ugqamisa izimpumelelo zobuhlakani zomfundi wethu ngezindlela ezihlukahlukene zobuciko bendabuko kanye nobuciko bedijithali.