Culinary Conference Centre


Hlangana, Bungaza Futhi Ufunde Esikhungweni Senkomfa Yezokudla e-HCCC!

Itholakala enhliziyweni ye-Hudson County kanye nemizuzu nje embalwa ukusuka e-Manhattan, i-Culinary Conference Centre e-Hudson County Community College ihlinzeka umphakathi ngobuciko obudumile bezokupheka, izikhungo eziqokwe ngobunono, nezinkonzo ezingenasici, ezisezingeni leplatinamu zemihlangano, amadili kanye nemikhosi.

Isikhungo seNgqungquthela yeCulinary esezingeni lomhlaba e-Hudson County Community College sisebenzela iKolishi ngamaZiko eNgqungquthela e-FLIK adume kuzwelonke. Itholakala emabhuloki amabili nje ukusuka ku-Journal Square PATH Transportation Center, i-Conference Centre inikeza ngaphezu kwamamitha-skwele angu-12,000 wendawo yokuhlangana/yokuqoqa futhi ihlanganisa indawo yokwamukela izivakashi ehlaba umxhwele; indawo yokuphumula/ibha yangaphambi komsebenzi; amakamelo amabili okudlela; amagumbi enkomfa/emihlangano ayishumi nambili avumelana nezimo ane-Wi-Fi kanye nobuchwepheshe bakamuva, okokusebenza okulalelwayo nokubukwayo kanye nezinsiza; isikhungo senkonzo yebhizinisi esineziteshi zokusebenzela zamakhompyutha; kanye namakhishi ochwepheshe okuzivocavoca kokwakha iqembu.

I-Conference Centre e-Hudson County Community College iphinde inikeze ngezinketho zokudlela ezinhle kakhulu zaso sonke isikhathi.

Vumela ochwepheshe ku-Culinary Conference Centre bakusize uhlele umhlangano wakho olandelayo noma uhlangane! Ukuzibophezela kwethu ekwenzeni okuhle kuzotholakala kuzo zonke izinyathelo zokuhlela nezethulo zemicimbi yawo wonke amasayizi. Ngakho-ke, uma ucabanga ngokubamba umhlangano wochwepheshe noma inkomfa, isidlo sasemini, isidlo sakusihlwa noma idili, noma umshado, ukuhlangana komndeni, nanoma yimuphi umcimbi okhethekile, thintana Nesikhungo Senkomfa Sezokudla ukuze uthole usizo nolwazi olwengeziwe.

Buka amamenyu

This image showcases the Culinary Conference Center at Hudson County Community College, a prominent and modern facility designed for culinary arts education, community events, and professional gatherings. The structure is a red-brick building with a clean, classic design, featuring arched windows that allow for abundant natural light. The ground floor is inviting, with a large entrance adorned with American flags, emphasizing its community-focused nature.  Located in an urban area with ample parking available, the Culinary Conference Center serves as a hub for both students and the public. Its design highlights a blend of functionality and aesthetic appeal, reflecting its purpose as a space for education and versatile events, including conferences, banquets, and workshops.I-Culinary Conference Centre e-The Hudson County Community College inikeza uxhaxha lwendawo yenkomfa okuhlanganisa nendawo yethu enkulu yedili engu-3000 sq ft. Ekwazi ukusingatha imicimbi emikhulu enekhishi lethu lesimanjemanje elisezingeni eliphansi, kanye ne-pre- indawo yokusebenza ye-1300 sq ft eyengeziwe. Isikhungo somhlangano sinamagumbi enkomfa amaningana angasese asuka ku-2800 sq ft kuya ku-440 sq ft, ngegumbi elisondelene kakhulu. Siphinde sinikeze ngamakilasi amaningana okuqeqesha kanye nemihlangano yokufundisa. Igalari itholakala kuMtapo wezincwadi obheke i-NYC Skyline futhi ilungele ukubungaza nokuhlangana. I-Culinary Centre inikezela ngokukhethwa okujabulisayo kwezidlo zokudla zikaChef Sippel kusukela kumaphakheji emenyu yansuku zonke, amadili, amadina, nama-buffet. Umpheki uyaziqhenya ngesikhathi sonyaka futhi alethe izithako zasendaweni ezinhle kakhulu ngangokunokwenzeka ezivela emapulazini nasezinsimini zase-Hudson Valley. Ithimba lethu e-Culinary Conference Centre libheke ngabomvu ukusebenzisana nawe.

Umpheki uKurt Sippel noKaren MacLaughlin
Umsizi Jikelele weMenenja


Ishadi Lekhono Lomhlangano Wendawo


Amakhono Egumbi
Isamba se-SQ FT
Usayizi Wegumbi
Ukuphakama Kwesilingi
Igumbi le-Prefunction 1300 52' x 25' 9'10 " 1st  
Igumbi Ledili 3000 60' x 50' 9'10 " 1st  
Indawo yokudlela yokudlela 1056 48' x 22' 9'10 " 1st  
Scott Ring 2880 60' x 48' 9'10 " 2nd  
I-Johnston Room (Ingqikithi) 1679 73' x 23' 9' 2nd  
Johnston Igumbi 1 440 22' x 20' 9' 2nd  
Johnston Igumbi 2 520 26' x 20' 9' 2nd  
Johnston Igumbi 3 560 28' x 20' 9' 2nd  
Amakilasi 884 34' x 26' 9' 5th  
I-Follet 1056 44' x 24' 9' 5th  
Slayida ukuze uthole okwengeziwe

This venue is a hub for education, community interaction, and professional gatherings, reflecting Hudson County Community College's commitment to excellence and innovation in serving its community.


Ulwazi Lwesikhungo Senkomfa

  • 2 Amahhovisi
  • 8 Amakamelo eNgqungquthela
  • 2 Izindawo Zokubingelela/zokulinda
  • Amakhishi we-7
  • 2 Amalebhu Okufundisa
  • Amakilasi angama-7
  • 1 Igumbi lokusebenza


  • Itholakala kalula ngaphesheya kwe-Hudson ukusuka e-NYC.
  • Ngaphansi komgwaqo ukusuka kuJournal Square Path kuya eNewark Penn nase-WTC.
  • Amamayela angu-2 ukusuka esiteshini se-hoboken.



Ulwazi lokuxhumana

UKaren MacLaughlin
Umsizi Jikelele weMenenja
161 Newkirk Street eSip Avenue
I-Jersey City, NJ 07306
(201) 360-5303

FLIK @ Hudson County Community College
(201) 360-5300