

Iyini i-Navigate360?

Zulazula360, ithuluzi lokuphumelela kwabafundi, lisetshenziswa izikhungo eziningi, kuhlanganise ne-Hudson County Community College. Isiza abafundi, abeluleki, nobuhlakani ukuxhumana kangcono. Lolu hlelo lokusebenza lwamahhala luyihabhu yensiza eyodwa ukusiza abafundi bahlale besendleleni ngemfundo yabo yasekolishi. Nge-Navigate360, abafundi be-HCCC bangasebenzisa ngokugcwele uhambo lwabo lwasekolishi.

Landa uhlelo lokusebenza lwe:

Ubuso bekhompyutha

Udinga usizo lokufinyelela i-akhawunti yakho?

Ukusekelwa KWAYO


Navigate360 Resources

Izinsiza ku-Navigate360 zabafundi, abasebenzi, nabafundisi.
Two students are sharing a moment of collaboration or engagement as they look at a smartphone. Their expressions suggest they are exploring resources or completing tasks, possibly related to academic advisement or transfer planning. The image highlights the integration of technology in student life and academic navigation.
Ulwazi olwengeziwe mayelana ne-Navigate360 lwabafundi.
A student is interacting with staff members or advisors, with one individual assisting by referencing a smartphone. This image emphasizes personalized support, showcasing a welcoming environment where students are guided through academic processes or digital resources.
Ulwazi olwengeziwe mayelana ne-Navigate360 lwabasebenzi.
A small group of students and staff members are gathered, with one person demonstrating something on a smartphone. The mix of casual and professional attire suggests this could be an informal advisement session, a resource workshop, or a collaborative activity aimed at facilitating student success.
Ulwazi olwengeziwe mayelana ne-Navigate360 yobuhlakani.


Xhumana naye I-HCCC Navigate360 Help Desk.